A single bell at St James will toll 100 times on Saturday 27th February in honour of Captain Sir Tom Moore and to mark the day of his funeral.
Shortly after 12 Noon on 27/02/2021
St James bell to toll 100 times in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore
The funeral for Captain Sir Tome Moore will be a private family service, so there have been calls from Bishops and the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, for churches across the county to mark the occasion by tolling a bell 100 times on Saturday, 27 February suggesting a time of around 12 noon.
Immediately after the clock chime and Angelus at noon, the tenor (heaviest bell) will be rung up, and then after 2 minutes silence, the tenor bell will be tolled 100 times in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore, who is held in such esteem and affection across the world.

Captain Sir Tom Moore’s fundraising, kindness and words of optimism have touched many of us. We hope this small act of tolling a bell can remind anyone that hears the bell, of this lovely gentleman, his fundraising, pride and care for the NHS; his wish to combat loneliness; and his positive outlook and hope for the country and everyone beyond the Covid-19 pandemic.
May he rest in peace, and his family and friends find comfort in the love from so many people.
Note: The ringing of a single bell has been approved by Fr Jack Knill-Jones and will be conducted observing appropriate Covid measures for hands-face-space when accessing the tower.