
We are delighted you have found our website.

The North Barrow Team Ministry serves the following areas of Barrow-in-Furness:

  • St James the Great – Hindpool
  • St Francis – Ormsgill
  • Parkside was served by St Matthew (now closed) so services are at St James or St Francis. The St Matthews community hall still serves area for other activities and groups.

In these pages you will find information about life in our team. There is space to explore the faith, to pray, to ask questions and to make contact with us. We hope the information will be helpful but its really just a means to an end, that end is to bring people to the love of Christ.

In a rapidly changing world the church sometimes struggles to keep up yet we exist, as we always have, to proclaim that love of God to all.

May you glimpse something of that love through our website and we hope to see you soon.

With every Blessing

Photograph of Father Jack Knill-Jones inside St James' church.
Jack Knill-Jones
Team Rector

Services and Events Calendar

The following calendar is sparse due to the Coronovirus lockdown. Services and events will be added when restrictions are lifted.

News – Posts

St James’ Official Facebook Page – News Feed (latest posts)

Click on the header of any post to redirect you to the post on the Facebook page to see comments, likes, replies, and to play videos.

St James' Church, Barrow

1 day 22 hours ago

Happy St James' Day to all our followers! We will be celebrating our patron at our Communion Service this Sunday at 10.30am; but for those

St James' Church, Barrow

1 day 22 hours ago

Lord, graciously hear us.

Listen to today's prayer or read a plain text version at cofe.io/TodaysPrayer.

St James' Church, Barrow

3 days 21 hours ago

Join in with us and thousands of others praying these words today.

Access a spoken version of today's prayer at cofe.io/TodaysPrayer.

St James' Church, Barrow

6 days 21 hours ago

Services tomorrow:

10.30am Sung Eucharist, followed by Coffee & Chat. All welcome.

St James' Church, Barrow

1 week 2 days ago

Have you prayed using the audio version of today's prayer?

Go to cofe.io/TodaysPrayer to learn more.

St James' Church, Barrow

1 week 6 days ago

Services tomorrow (14th July):

10.30am Holy Communion (by extension), followed by Coffee and Chat. All welcome.

St James' Church, Barrow

2 weeks 1 day ago

Great to see year 6 of St James Junior School visit to learn all about bells, see them being demonstrated in the tower and have

St James' Church, Barrow

2 weeks 3 days ago

Pray with us.

Today's prayer is available in plain text and audio formats at cofe.io/TodaysPrayer.