Contacts – St James

For contacts such as the Team Rector, that are common to all the churches that are part of the North Barrow Team Ministry, please visit the general Contacts & Links Page.

For general enquiries about arranging weddings and baptisms at St James please come along to join us on a 10.30am Sunday morning service or around 11.30am at the end of the service and speak to us. It is always good to meet you and to give you an opportunity to ask questions in person.

It is also possible to contact by email at but we will still need to meet in person.

The following contacts are specific to St James the Great

St James the Great


Mrs B Pearce

PCC Secretary /
Planned Giving & Gift Aid Recorder

Mr Derek Walmsley

PCC Treasurer

Mrs Shelagh Morrall


Mr E Silcocks
Mrs A Platt
Mr T Swarbrick
Mrs M Williams
Miss A Williams
Mr L Gardner
Mrs B Ashley

Organist & Choir Master

Mr Mark Latimer

Tower Captain (bell-ringing)

Mr Andy Pollock
Web Address:

Mothers’ Union

Joan Johnson – (Branch Leader)

Mrs Joan McKenzie – (Secretary)

Mrs Beverley Ashley – (Treasurer)

St James the Great – Address & Map
Church Address (no letterbox – please sent post to team rector at the vicarage)
St James the Great
Blake Street
LA14 5UE